Monday, October 6, 2014

Treasure Hunters study the Cherokee Trail of Tears

FOCUS: the Cherokee people and their forced removal from east to west.
EXPLORATION TABLE:  replicating patterns using stringing beads, then coloring a pattern by number and graph on paper.
LITERATURE: The Cherokee and their history; If You Lived With the Cherokee, Sequoyah, and The Trail of Tears by Dennis Brindel.  
DISCUSSION: The Poem, Trail of Tears by Mojomike8, Cherokee culture, Cherokee written language, moving/travel.

MUSIC: Continued with "Blue Jello Rhythm Cards", including half, quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes and quarter rest.  We worked on several songs including the Erie Canal and surprises!  

PROJECT:  Beadwork depiction of the Trail of Tears.
QUESTIONS to ask your child: 
What was the Trail of Tears? 
Which people followed The Trail?