Monday, October 13, 2014

Assignments due 10/14/14

 Explorers - Level 1
Art: TBA
Music: Write a folk song-either a story about something that happens this week, or a simple, playful tune(just a couple lines like "Johnny Get Your Hair Cut"
History: read history cards 10 and 11, practice your timeline
Drama: Memorize the poem "All God's Chullun".  It was sent home with them.
Trailblazers - Level 2
Art: TBAMusic: Write a folk song-either a story about something that happens this week, or a simple, playful tune(just a couple lines like "Johnny Get Your Hair Cut"
History: Read History Cards 10 and 11, practice timelineDrama:  
Pathfinders - Level 3
Art: Each student needs to choose a SYMBOL* of their choice, such as the Christian fish, Infinity, Medical Symbol, Star of David, etc.  Students need to draw an image of the symbol on paper to show the class, and be prepared to explain the meaning of the symbol, and any history behind that symbol.
 *I realize there are many symbols from occult/pagan backgrounds so please feel free to help your student in researching a symbol to avoid controversial subjects.
Music: Find out what country your family came to America from. And then write down the name of a traditional song from that country, we will be listening to them in class next week.
History: Prepare a written and oral report on your topic. Sophie – Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, Acacia-Moving Picture machine, Grace-Brooklyn Bridge, Andrew-Jesse James, Nathan-Ku Klux Klan, Elise-barbed wire, Mahayla- telephone, Luke-dynamite, Abigail-typewriter, Lauren-traffic lights, Allison-Carpet sweeper
Drama: memorize "Erie Canal".  Sent home with them. 
Navigators - Level 4 
Art: Each student needs to choose a SYMBOL* of their choice, such as the Christian fish, Infinity, Medical Symbol, Star of David, etc.  Students need to draw an image of the symbol on paper to show the class, and be prepared to explain the meaning of the symbol, and any history behind that symbol.
 *I realize there are many symbols from occult/pagan backgrounds so please feel free to help your student in researching a symbol to avoid controversial subjects.
Music: Find out what country your family came to America from. And then write down the name of a traditional song from that country, we will be listening to them in class next week.
History: Prepare a written and oral report on your topic. Ellie-Moving picture machine, David-Jesse James, Ryan-Alexander Graham Bell, Rachel-Ku Klux Klan, Eden-microphone, Rebecca-typewriter, Jacob-blue jeans with copper stress points, Zoe-telephone
Drama: research the topic given to them for 4 or more interesting facts to be incorporated into a scene.