Thursday, October 16, 2014

Assignments due 10/21/2014

Art:  Bring in something to use in our pointillism project: either some type of cereal, beans or seeds. Color would be good, but not necessary. 
Music: TBA
History: Read History Cards 12-15, practice timeline
Drama: none

Art: Bring in something to use in our pointillism project: either some type of cereal, beans or seeds. Color would be good, but not necessary. 
Music: TBA
History: Read History Cards 12-15, Practice your timeline
Drama: none

Art: None
Music: TBA
History: Written and oral report- Lauren-Andrew Carnegie, Ana- John D. Rockefeller, Luke-Henry Ford, Grace-Crazy Horse, Nathan-Sitting Bull, Sophe-Doc Holiday, Allison-Mark Twain, Abby-Louis Pasteur, Mahayla-Anne Sullivan, Andrew-Buffalo Bill Cody.
Drama: None


Art: None
Music: TBA
History: Written and oral reports-Jacob-John D. Rockefeller, David – Henry Ford, Ellie-Crazy Horse, Rachel-Buffalo Bill Cody.
Drama: Get in touch with your team members and discuss ideas for a scene using the historical facts you researched last week.  We will be writing those scenes in class next class time.  The teams are: 1) Becca, Curtis, Ellie.  2) Ryan, Rachel, Jacob.  3) Eden, Zoe, David.