Wednesday, January 29, 2014

History Elective Period B, 1/28/2014

Summary: We examined cultural differences between groups and how to interpret the words and actions of one group to the other by watching an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies. Then, we discovered Paul's strategy for bring the good news of Jesus to the world.

Group One: Curtis Comrie, Jacob Mitchell, Oren Fultz, Rachel Klekar, Suzie Araldi, Zoe Mailhot
1. What were classes to Wesley and how did he use them? How did this help him to reach more people for Jesus?
Click here for the link to

2.  What did Wesley do that helped him succeed in bringing the good news of Jesus to so many people?
Click here for the link to

John Wesley's Small Group Rules

In the early days of the Methodist Church, members were expected to agree to six common disciplines or "Rules" found in The Works of John Wesley (1816)

  1. To meet once a week, at least.
  2. To come together at the hour appointed, without some extraordinary reason.
  3. To begin (those of us who are present) exactly at the hour, with singing or prayer.
  4. To speak each of us in order, freely and plainly, the true state of our souls, with the faults we have committed in thought or deed and the temptations we have felt since our last meeting.
  5. To end every meeting with prayer suited to the state of each person.
  6. To desire some person among us to speak his own state first, and then to ask the rest, in order, as many and as searching questions as may be, concerning their state, sins, and temptations.

 Group Two: Abigail Mitchell, Ana Hood, Asa Fultz, Caroline Baggs, Eden Locke, Luke Lowne

1. What can you learn from these articles about George Whitefield and the first Great Awakening?
Click here for a link to the website
Click here for a link to the website

2. Please be ready to report on George Whitfield, a "school dropout."