Wednesday, October 16, 2013

History Levels 3 & 4 Summary for October 15, 2013

In class this week we looked at how the colonies were impacted and changed because of the lives and ministries of three people - Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley and George Whitefield. Lessons I wanted them to learn were:
1. The Great Awakening united the colonies and set the stage for the Revolution. Without the GA there would have been no revolution.
2. It is time for another Great Awakening in the United States.

Homework We have seen how North Carolina and Massachusetts began.
1. How did each of the other eleven colonies begin?
2. Did Christianity and freedom of religion play a part in their founding? If so how?
3. How did the idea of Freedom of Religion develop as the colonies were planted?
4. Which of the thirteen colonies would you like to go back in time and visit? Why? Pick only 1 :)

Items needed for class next week A picture frame - 8 x 10 or larger for a project we will create in class.
A map of the thirteen colonies (colored is preferable) that is small enough to fit in the frame with other information