Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Exodus - History 1&2, Explorers & Trailblazers

 In 1570 BCE  Egypt defeated the Hyksos who had invaded their land.  Using their new knowledge of Hyksos’ weapons and chariots, they drove the invaders back and expanded Egypt’s borders further than ever before. They continued to grow more powerful during this “Golden Age of Egypt,” which included great pharaohs such as Thutmose I, Hatshepsut (the girl pharaoh) Akhenaten, and “King Tut.”

After receiving grain from Joseph, the Israelites did not return to Canaan, but settled on the banks of the Nile, eventually becoming slaves to the Egyptians.  Moses, an Israelite raised in the Pharaoh’s house, was called to free the Israelites. Pharaoh refused Moses request, and there were great plagues.  Eventually Pharaoh relented, if for only a moment, and the Israelites were able to escape across the Red Sea.

In class activities:
  • Reviewed the timeline of events leading up to the Israelites bondage in Egypt
  • Discussed the Code of Hammurabi and its similarities to Biblical law
  • Made our own Egyptian shirts
  • Learned about the Hyksos and what their invasion of Egypt meant
  • Finished our Egyptian mobiles
  • Mapped the wanderings of the Israelites
Optional lesson extension activities:

  • Pretend you are Moses in this online game
  • Learn more about the Hyksos from Answers in Genesis
  • Celebrate your own Passover feast
  • Dover has excellent coloring books for this time period.  Not only are the images beautiful, but the captions at the bottom provide lots of historical context.  
  • Read history cards NT2-3, OT 26-28
  • Practice your timeline