Sunday, September 22, 2013

Treasure Hunters Summary 9/17/13

Columbus and Compasses!   

Treasure Hunters were read A Sailor Who Found a New World  from A Child's History of the World- by Hillyer. . . the whole story!! (They were great listeners).  
We also viewed the pictures in the D'Aulaire book, Columbus.   
The class learned how to find Italy and viewed and marked Columbus' voyage on a map and discussed navigation using a compass and identified a compass rose on several maps.
The children were shown how to make a compass by floating a bar magnet in a bowl of water (we compared this to a physical compass to gauge accuracy)  fascinating!
All children created their own compass rose with moveable velcro tags to practice directions.   
We played several games using the compass rose and navigational cues.
Children marched to a Bible passage set to Colonial Music and practiced various rhythms.  

Things to ask your little Treasure Hunter about:
  • Which direction does the sun rise and set? 
  • Can you show me the cardinal directions on your compass rose?   
  • Can you remove them and put them in the proper place?