Thursday, September 22, 2016

ART - Pathfinders & Navigators

Tuesday, September 20

Today in class we began working on MOSAICS, a type of medieval art. Each student chose a Christian symbol and two colors to be featured in the creation of their mosaic; the significance of these symbols and colors from early Christian art were discussed last week in class.

We began a discussion on the Byzantine art period, and what were the characteristics of this period:
-It was simple, and one dimensional
-Colors were somber
-Human figures were almost always front facing, and featured long, narrow faces with little detail
-It was Pietistic (Christian) in subject matter
-Religious members such as monks made up a large percent of the artists of this period
-Sculptures were forbidden as they were considered idols

Next week we will look in closer detail at some mosaics from this art period as students will finish working on their personal mosaics.

-Research the artist Giotto di Condone, and learn about his life and works. CORRECTION: Giotto di Bondone - works & biography