Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Art Elective-Pathfinders and Navigators

Tuesday, March 8

For the last couple of classes, students have been working on their typography project: taking words from their favorite song and designing them into artistic type, on the boards previously made with sheet music. Students have learned that a lot of time can go into sketching, designing, and laying out their design.

As students have prepared their typography through the different steps, we have discussed basic principles behind good font design. This includes understanding the different font types, mixing fonts, and using different sizes and weights. Plus typography is more fun then just good handwriting! You can add in all kinds of shading, shapes, special touches, and even artwork.

Please bring in any selection of items that you think will make a great imprint/stamp design into the clay projects we will be starting next week. This can be anything from pine branches from nature to a cheese grater from the kitchen!