Thursday, January 14, 2016

Art - Pathfinders & Navigators

Class Overview
We began class by reading together John 8:1-11, the story of how Jesus drew in the dirt when the Pharisees brought the adulterous woman before Him as a test. Students were asked to give their thoughts on WHY Jesus did not answer right away and drew in the dirt, but also WHAT could He have been writing/drawing? Though it will probably be one of those questions that we have to wait until heaven to get an answer, a lot of scholars believe based upon OT Priest tradition and a verse from the Prophets, that Jesus may have been writing the names of the Pharisees, and a list of their sins.

Taking a positive spin on the story we read, together as a class we created a list of the Names of Jesus. Each student then picked a different name, and wrote it in "sand". (Ok, glue and salt...) It was great fun to see how the salt spread the watercolors that students then added to the name they had created!

-Bring in a brown PAPER bag (such as a grocery bag)
-Research how leather/animal skins was used during Bible Times