Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Treasure Hunters

Focus: Abraham Lincoln
We kicked off our electives with a study on Abraham Lincoln! We colored portraits of him and learned he was on a five dollar bill and a penny. We read "Abe's Honest Words" by Doreen Rappaport and "Looking at Lincoln" by Maira Kalman , where we learned some interesting facts( did you know he was kicked in the head by a mule?) We talked about how he hated slavery and worked very hard to end it. We also talked about the Civil war and the conflict between the North and the South. We learned the parts of the Gettysburg Address-of the people, by the people, for the people..The children enjoyed all the pictures of him standing so tall!
For our project we made  Lincoln faces where we turned ourselves into Abeaham Lincoln .
The children had fun re enacting like him :-)
For music we worked on our note cards using instruments for the rhythms . We ended class with a rousing game of Musical chairs set to patriotic tunes :-)
Questions to ask this week: What important thing did President Abraham Lincoln do? Ended slavery
What was his famous speech called? The Gettysburg Address