Thursday, February 27, 2014

Music Elective Period A and Period B for 2/25/2014

Instruments: Percussion Part 2

How percussion instruments can be categorized:

Pitched vs Unpitched, and Membranaphone vs Idiophone

 The Origin, Material, and Usage/sound of various percussion instruments: Timpani, Cymbals, Gong, Castanet, Bells, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Triangle, and more

Younger Class: Coloring sheet, Xylophone Creation and Experiment with Sound Making castanets Performance Songs

 Older Class: Categorizing percussion intsruments Xylophone/Chime creating and experimenting Water Glass: Xylophone style, tone pitching, and the Glass Harmonica


 Younger Class:

Each student needs to bring in either a plastic cool whip/sherbet bowl with lid (if making a banjo) OR a large metal coffee can with lid (if making a Bass) to next class.

Practice singing and rhythm of performance songs- "I've been working on the railroad" and "Heaven is a wonderful place"

 Older Class:

Each student needs to bring in either a plastic cool whip/sherbet bowl with lid (if making a banjo) OR a large metal coffee can with lid (if making a Bass) to next class.

Listen to and play on personal instrument "Requiem for a Dream"