Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Colonial Discontent - History Levels 1&2, 11-5-13

No Taxation Without Representation
The American Revolution didn't begin with a battle, but in the minds of the people.  After the 7 Years War England's control of trade centers around the world was secure.  Managing that empire, however, became problematic.  Without the threat of the French, British protection was no longer needed by the colonists.

In addition, Britain's debt had nearly doubled during the long war with France and the people of England were very vocal against additional local taxes.  They were already the most heavily taxed people in all of Europe.  To remedy the problem, Britain focused on increasing the 1-way flow of money from the colonies to England (mercantilism) through compulsory purchases and taxes.

The colonists attempted to reconcile with England, but were ready for independence.

In class activities 11-5-13:
  • Assembled our own Boston Tea Party comic books
  • Discussed the words boycott, taxation, and representation
  • Discussed the global reach of the British kingdom and its new concerns
  • Built our own lanterns to place at the base of our liberty pole
  • Reviewed the Townsend Act, Stamp Act, etc.
Optional lesson extension activities:
  • Schoolhouse Rock - No More Kings (note - this isn't completely historically accurate, but it is still lots of fun)
  • The Stamp Act required that all legal documents and many other paper materials in the American colonies be embossed with a British stamp.  Give your child 5 minutes to gather as many paper items as they can from around your home.  Ask them if they think they would need to pay a lot of money in taxes.
  • Assemble a puzzle of the Boston Tea Party online.  (more games linked at the bottom of the page)

  • Read history cards #19-21 covering the beginning of the War of Independence
  • Review your timeline.