Thursday, September 22, 2016

Music - Navigators

In this class we began to discuss what music is, and what it was created for. Over the course of the next few weeks we will be comparing the basic elements of music to our own lives...what is the melody of your life? Melody was the main theme for this week. We discussed the characteristics and structure of a melody, and then spent some time listening for these things in some different pieces of music.

    Listening Samples
    • Gregorian Chant: Haec dies
    • Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro
    • Schoenberg: Pierrot lunaire, No 18
    • Bach: Cantata No. 80, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, No 2
    • Send me your own music sample for melody
    • look up and start getting familiar with 'Audacity' for your project
         Create a 2-3 minute audio collage about the music you like and what it says about you.