Wednesday, September 14, 2016

History Navigators and Pathfinders 9/13/2016

The Roman Empire, prior to the Middle Ages, had been one of the greatest in the known world at the time. The Roman army was one of the most successful and most feared. The Romans began to live lives that were centered around pleasure and excess. In keeping with this mindset they also began to have fewer children. They eventually resorted to recruiting slaves and soldiers from the surrounding countries in order to replenish the dwindling supply from their own people.
The Barbarians were among these recruits. Ultimately these tribes and others invaded and conquered the Roman Empire. Pastor Huntley shared a brief slide show of weapons used during that time.

Prior to the fall of Rome, Christians were still heavily persecuted. However, very often these Christ followers would willingly martyr themselves both in the Coliseum as well as being crucified. Their courage and reliance on, as well as devotion to, Christ strengthened other christians and the movement as a whole. It had the opposite effect that the Romans had hoped for which was to destroy it.

During the Barbarian rule christians continued to venture where others would not. Often they could be found entering places where plagues and disease were present. In stark contrast to those fleeing these places, they would move in to care for the sick and dying.

This is the way of the Cross - people willing to die to self and live (and die) for Christ.

Mrs. Cross introduced the students in the Navigators class to the story of Perpetua, a Christian martyr whose personal account of what she went through was the first recorded account of a martyr's experience. You can read more about it. I have included a link to Christianity Today

After the class, the students went outside to the parking lot where several of them were "crucified".

Homework: Please read Cards 3,4,and 5 for next week. For those who do not have the cards yet images will be sent to your email.