Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Treasure Hunters 9/29/15

FOCUS - The Tower of Babel

HANDS ON DISCOVERY TIME - Used Keva Planks to build structures, first individually and then together as a group to see how high we could make it.  The children did an amazing job and got some serious height!  Loved the determination all over their faces as they carefully placed each plank.

LITERATURE:  Tower of Babel by Arch Books and from the Maxwell Bible Series "The First Skyscraper," which was a tough read for these little ones with not a lot of pictures and they did pretty well.  

ART:  Decided to construct our own structures from peas and toothpicks!  Did yours make it home in one piece?  Ours didn't, but we constructed a new structure after dinner and the peas hardened over night and it's pretty sturdy now.  If your peas dried out, you can re-hydrate them by soaking them in water until a toothpick inserts into them (approximately - 6-8 hours) and give it another try.

MUSIC - Worked on the Rhythm song and added Boomwackers for a fun addition.  Reviewed the Blue Jello Cards and added triplets.  
Quarter note (blue)
Eighth note (jel-lo)
Quarter rest (whisper rest)
triplets (pine-ap-ple)

REVIEW QUESTION TO ASK - Why were the people of the city building the Tower of Babel?
ANSWER - So they could be well known by their structure and most of all, they wanted to build a tower so high that they could see from a long distance, that way they would know what direction to travel home if they were some distance away. They thought this would keep them together, so they would not become scattered over the whole earth.  

Did they complete the tower?
A - No, they were unable to after the Lord came down to see the city and saw what they were building.  He didn't want them to stay in one city, all huddled together.  God changed the speech of all the men, without their knowing it, so that they did not understand each other.  Each one spoke an entirely different language from that which he had spoken before.  That sure does make it difficult to construct a tower together!