Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, September 22

Class Overview
As we begin our adventure through Art in the Bible, the goal is to go in chronological order. Though today's focus was on the Tower of Bible, we briefly looked at two earlier references to creating:
-Genesis 4. some of the men from Cain's family tree are noted for possessing certain skills and craftsmanship
-Genesis 6, God outlines specific plans for the creation of the Ark

We talked about the Tower of Babel together, discussing how men used their skills in a prideful manner that was not according to God's design. We talked about three basic principles of architecture - Durability, Utility, and Beauty - before students jumped into the fun project of creating a tower from marshmallows, toothpicks, and spaghetti noodles. They quickly learned that a good design is essential for a successful structure!

-Select and bring in an image of a favorite architectural structure (ancient to modern)
-If any families have ice cube trays they can spare for about a week, please bring these into class next week
-Read Exodus 1:8-14