Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Art: Pathfinders and Navigators
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Class Overview
We literally began class with "In the beginning..."  To lead into our semester of Art in the Bible, we examined how interesting it is that the first action of God we have recorded in our Bible is "Create". After clarifying the definition of create, the students listed off accounts in the Bible where there is record of something being "created". This built the jumping board of realizing that "art" is so much more then just drawing and painting: it spans everything from architecture to masonry, to calligraphy and textiles. As a class over the next several weeks, we will be exploring many of these types of arts that are found in the Bible.

As a class, we created a mosaic with students identifying:
-Types of Art
-Qualities of Art

-Read Genesis 11:1-9 before class
-Bring in a bag of marshmallows (large or minis) for each student