We have so enjoyed working with your students this past year! Registration forms and policies are now available for the 2016/2017 session. Please take a few moments to print BOTH out and return them as soon as possible. Any open slots will be offered to new students, and we don't want you to miss out!
- REGISTRATION DEADLINE - Please print and return the paperwork by May 15, 2016 if you plan to return to FAITH. Please include the registration fee of $135 which covers materials, offering for the building, and liability insurance.
- TUITION REMAINS THE SAME - Tuition for the year per family remains the same. $375/family unless you only bring one child. (In that case tuition is $200/family)
- FIRST DAY OF CLASSES - September 13, 2016 - The full calendar will be available in the next few weeks. We may have a few changes and want to provide the most up to date details for you to plan with!
- VOLUNTEER SPOTS - Please feel free to provide feedback about where you prefer to serve for the coming year - We try to accommodate schedules and requests if possible. THANKS!
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.