Romans tolerated Christians, for a while, as worshipers of just one more among the long list of gods. Eventually, however, Christians’ insistence on following Jesus alone made both religious and political leaders feel threatened. One Roman Emperor, Nero, unjustly blamed the Christians for starting a fire that destroyed nearly 2/3 of the city of Rome in 64AD/CE. He ordered that many be put to death. One form of persecution took place in large stadiums such as the Colosseum where citizens gathered to watch vicious battles. This type of persecution continued until 312 AD/CE.
In class activities:
- Viewed our stop motion animation of the life of Jesus
- Learned who was allowed to wear a toga
- Played a game placing ourselves in the social classes in Rome, and found where we would sit in the colosseum.
- Reviewed the meaning of the word Persecution & learned reasons why the Christians threatened Rome
- Briefly discussed persecution in our time and prayed for Christians around the world
- Watch A Gladiator's Story
- Learn more about the Gladiators at
- Read history card #NT28
- Practice your timeline