The Wind Instruments: Woodwind Family
History, Make, and Playing of the Flute, Oboe, Clarinet,
Saxophone, and BassoonObservation of other Wind instruments from the Cornet to Bagpipes - Panpipes and Pipe Organ
Experiment with blowing and “Reeds”
Work on Idea for own Instrument Invention/CreationChoose Instrument for Poster
Memorize Psalm 150 Verse; finalize musical dramatization of verse
Both Classes’ Instrument Poster assignments will be due
at class on 4/8;
Information sheets were sent home this week with each
student.They will need to find information on all the following:Photo or Drawing of Instrument
Where Instrument came from
When Instrument was made
What the Instrument is made of
How the Instrument works/What it sounds like
Interesting Facts about Instrument