Wednesday, March 8, 2017

ART: Cathedrals

Why were Cathedrals always built West to East? It is believed this was based on the Jewish tradition of praying facing the East. You would enter the Cathedral at the West end entrance, so once inside, you would be facing East as you worshipped.

Today in class we looked at the BLUEPRINT of our cathedrals. Most of these floor plans are very similar- all are based on a large rectangle shape as they are meant to hold a large group of people. Cathedrals were not only places of worship, but also served as town meeting halls and even marketplaces. A large percent of Cathedral blueprints were based on a cross shape, following the tradition of incorporating Christian symbols and measurements.

In the period when the cathedrals were built, the blueprints were drawn on wet cement. A powder was then spread across the cement slab, filling in the crevices of the drawing; the powder was blown off, leaving a clear image of the blueprint.

Students sketched out the blueprint of their personal cathedral today on the prepared art scratch paper we had made in the previous class. Our appreciation for architecture and all the fine lines certainly grew!

- Each Student needs to print off and bring in exterior photos of their Cathedral from all sides: front, rear, and sides. (If students already have these images printed off, please just be sure to have their Cathedral Folder with them!)
-BOXES! We need lots of boxes! Here are specifically some we are looking for:
       -Small Shoe Box size boxes
       -Pasta boxes, particularly the long spaghetti size boxes
       -Seltzer/Soda boxes
       -Oatmeal Boxes
       -Toilet Paper Tubes/ Paper Towel Tubes
       -Coffee Cans

-Hot Glue Guns for use in next weeks class.