Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Art - Pathfinders and Navigators

Tuesday, November 15

The students did an AMAZING job on their Coat of Arms project from last week!! It was impressive to see all the colors and details that each student put into their individual shields and coat of arms.

The Renaissance Art Period was a rich art period where the art had really developed into detailed and magnificent pieces. Part of this was the progress made in human faces and figures- they were a lot more accurate, emotional, and detailed. Many of the artists from this period made it their goal to master the human body. One of these was the famous Da Vinci. His Vitruvian Man is a prime example of how he worked out the math behind the amazing human anatomy.

We had so much fun doing our own "human sculptures"! But we obviously took the easier, less messy route with using aluminum foil. How fascinating it was to see the students' creativity take hold as we saw a variety of figures in various poses get molded into shape.

Go to the following link and view all the Medieval Nativity Art pieces on this page. Feel free to read the author's notes and comments.

Then answer the following five questions:
·       -What people/characters are featured in these works?
      - How is Baby Jesus portrayed?
         (Observe size/positioning)
 - How is Mary portrayed?
    (Notice clothing/expression)
 - What type of Backgrounds/Scenery surrounds the characters?
   (Notice how some artists’ take liberty and creativity)
 - Which work did you like the best? Why?