Friday, February 5, 2016

Music Period B 2/2/16

The Davidic Cipher- Week 1
      -Before the Exodus - Israel=Jacob-12 families of Israel- Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan,
       Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issacher, Zebulon, Joseph, Benjamin
     -Jacob's whole family moves to Egypt, because of a famine. They settled down in Egypt and
       lived peacefully for quite awhile. But as time passed, rulers in Egypt changed, and so did their
       attitude towards the Israelites. The Israelites were looked at with suspicion, as a threat, and
       they were made to labor.
      -430 years after they arrived in Egypt, God brought them out under the leadership of a man
        named Moses(from the family of Levi)
     -The Israelites leave Egypt with a wealth of knowledge and skills acquired during their time
       there. Art and music were just a couple of those skills.
     -Pharaoh chases after them, but God makes a way for them through the Red Sea, and Moses
       writes a song!(Exodus 15:1-20)
     -The Israelites set up camp in the desert, and God gives them detailed plans to make the
       Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was the center of worship, and the Levites were separated
        out of the rest of the tribes with the specific job of caring for and maintaining the Tabernacle.
     - The Levites came up with a whole musical system that was used in creating most of the Psalms.
         It is this musical system that we will be deciphering over the next 9 weeks.
Buckets- Intro to bucket drumming, we moved right through drumming levels 1, 2, &3
Homework- Find your name in Hebrew and decide which family of Levi you are descended from. Practice Bucket rhythms, and the new song in Hebrew