Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Music - Explorers/Trailblazers - 10/6/15

Today we started our official study on - Music in the Beginning. Students started a take-home booklet, to keep track of all the activities and information from our classes.

Today's theme - All for God's Glory. All that God created, He created to bring Himself glory.. to worship Him. And so, in the beginning, what were the first musical sounds? Be sure to ask your kids, and see what they come up with. :) Wind, water, birds, etc all lift up a joyful noise. We also talked about the fact that the things we find in nature (sticks, rocks, grass) are the things people used in the beginning to create instruments.

We also did some more rhythm and singing practice.

And then, we started working on our own natural instrument, the Sistrum (found in 2 Samuel 6:5). The Sistrum is a percussion instrument, that originated in Ancient Egypt. It was an important instrument for both the Egyptians and the Isrealites. Originally they were made from materials like gold, bronze, clay and stone. We made ours from y-shaped sticks and bottle caps. The kids will be able to take them home next week.