Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Period A Drama - 2/4/14

We have broken into groups and begun work on the first of two video segments that each team will be producing for the year end production.  In class they began to talk over a vision and started research, storyboarding, and even made plans to connect and continue this work during the week! 

Group 1: Asa, Oren, Rachel K.. Kylie, and Adalie
The 2nd Great Awakening (take note, this is a switch from the 1st Great Awakening)
The Pligram’s landing and settlement

Group 2: Jacob, Suzie, Sophia, Curtis, and Mahayla
Lewis and Clark
Explorers of the North East
13 Colonies Song

Group 3: Mitchell, Rachel G., Eden, Abigail, Caroline
Founding Fathers
British lose at Bunker Hill
Group 2, please remember you have planned to be in contact via email this week to continue your work.
Group 3, please remember you have planned a gchat on Saturday at 2pm.  This video is a helpful tutorial…

Homework: Each group will need to be prepared to present their vision to the rest of the class on Tuesday!