Saturday, October 12, 2013

Little Treasure Hunters Summary 10/8/13

Corn, Corn, All About Corn!

Treasure Hunters pounded dried corn into corn meal at the Discovery Table with a stone mortar and pestle like Native Americans and Pilgrims would have done.  We then mixed up corn bread and popped it into the oven!

Children also learned to tie a basic knot to be used in their project.

Treasure Hunters read This is the Feast by Diane Z. Shore and Megan Lloyd and learned how Pilgrims found dried corn under the earth left by Indians that helped them survive their first winter.  They also learned about Squanto and his method of growing corn with fish.  

Several children played the role of Pilgrims finding corn under the ground and Squanto teaching how to plant corn using props including baskets, dried corn, play silks, and cornstalks.

The children continued working with rhythms while singing the Rhythm Song:
"Rhythm makes a pattern of sounds. . .
[clap, clap,     clap, clap, clap,     clap, clap, clap]
Pulse will make a steady beat
Sounds like slowly marching feet
Rhythm makes a pattern of sounds. . .
[clap, clap,     clap, clap, clap,     clap, clap, clap]"

Children were introduced to a new rhythm card "two-oo" (half note shown with index finger like "blue" and other fingers forming an empty circle)  to add to jel-lo, jel-lo(eighth note shown by 2 fingers both hands)- 
 (eighth note 2 fingers),  rest (quarter rest, 2 fingers crossed, whispered), and pine-ap-ple (eighth note 3 fingers).  

We enjoyed beautiful weather playing relay games, leap frog, and stick and ring like Native American children and Pilgrim children would have played.  Each child was given a "stick and ring" to take home.  

Treasure Hunters made Corn Husk Dolls of their very own using their new-learned knot tying skills!  Both girl and boy dolls were made. 

Things to ask your little Treasure Hunter about:

What is it called when corn is pounded into flour.    (cornmeal)
Where did the Pilgrims first find corn on the new land?  (in baskets buried in the ground)
How did Squanto teach the pilgrims to plant corn?   (One kernel with a fish for fertilizer in each mound).