Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Gutenberg - History 1&2, Explorers and Trailblazers

January 17, 2017

During the Middle Ages, the time consuming process of copying books by hand made the spread of new ideas very slow.  People often worked very hard to solve problems that had already been solved, but they had no access to that information.  

Johann Gutenberg’s invention of the moveable type printing press was one of the main factors that created the explosion of ideas known as the Renaissance, a revolutionary period in the arts and sciences.  Faster and cheaper printing made books available to many people for the first time.  This spread of knowledge led to a new fascination with the learning that swept through Europe. Ideas became more realistic and less dominated by religion, sometimes creating conflict between scientists and the church. 


In class activities:

  • Assembled and printed using our own moveable type
  • Explored Renaissance leisure activities and practiced walking on stilts
  • Discussed the time consuming process of creating machines by hand
  • Considered the changes to the Church and to society in general as books became increasingly available
  • Added to our Medieval notebook


For additional information on this subject:
  • Read Ink on His Fingers by Louise A. Vernon (127p.)
  • Watch an animation of how the printing press works
Assignment due 1/24
  • Practice your timeline
  • Read history cards 26-32

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Black Death - History 1&2, Explorers and Trailblazers

January 10, 2017

The plague, also known as the Black Death because of the dark sores that it caused, was one of the worst diseases in history. This illness carried by rats and fleas resulted in the death of 1at least /3 of the population of the Middle East, Asia, and Europe.  

For years the disease would disappear during the winter, when fleas were less active, only to reappear again to the horror of both rich and poor.

Unfortunately, this tragedy shook many people’s faith in God.  It led to the collapse of the economy, changes on the battle field, and ultimately to the end of the already weakened feudal system, completely changing the medieval world. 

In class activities:
  • Learned about the impact of disease in the medieval world
  • Discussed the various methods used to "prevent" and “cure” the plague
  • Mixed up some of our own cures (chocolate spiders etc.) and tasted our creations.
  • Discussed the cycle of the plague
  • Added to our Medieval notebook
  • Read Run Far, Run Fast by Timothy Decker

Optional lesson extension activities:
Assignment due 1/17/1017

  • Read history cards MA 24-25
  • Practice your timeline

Art - Pathfinders & Navigators

Tuesday, January 10

As art progressed through the Rennaisance and Medieval time, it often got bigger and grander. But not all churches were cathedrals, and had little or no money for art; but yet art was still important. So one of the arts that was created was QUILLING.

It was started by nuns in France and Italy; it simply used strips of paper, coiled into spirals and shapes to create a bigger design. Some of this work was so intricate and detailed, it mimicked the beautiful iron scroll work often featured in the cathedrals. Since gold was very prominent in church works, the nuns even went through the step of stripping the guilded pages of books of their gold edges to feature this in their quilling work.

Students created quilled creations, rolling paper strips into their own designs.

-View images of ILLUMINATED LETTERS (Google, Pinterest, etc)
-Bring to next class: Piece of Cardboard (about paper size)
                                 Yarn (if you have any around the house)